NGSign 2.9 is finally here. This release has many new features and improvements both in client and server side.
Firstly, we implemented a new version of the PDS (Signing Page). The new display is more user friendly and has new handy features such as:
- All the signers can now perform advanced signature using their cryptographic USB tokens on a Windows environment.
- The signer may choose his own signature mode (Simple signature, Signature with a cryptographic token or signature with DigiGo) in the signing page.
- The PDS has also an integrated configuration page that allows the creator to place the visible stamps without authentication. This feature did exist in older versions of NGSign but is now made public under [NGSign_URL]/pds/# instead of [NGSign_URL]/web/
On the server side, many new features were added:
- The creators may send minimal user information to create a signature transaction and fill the missing data later (user name, email, …)
- The server can now be configured to delete or not the documents when the transaction is signed.
- The transaction creator may ask to “remind” the “current signer” after a predefined time limit
- The transaction creator may choose a signature type “LATER” and let the signer decide at the signing time to either use a cryptographic token, a simple signature or his own DigiGo account
In this version, we also allowed an unlimited number of tokens for signatures with a cryptographic USB token.
NGSign – Front client
New Features
- [NGWWW-165] – Implement a local signer to communicate with tokens
- [NGWWW-166] – Integrate the local signer in the PDS to allow the signature with a cryptographic token
- [NGWWW-164] – Implement a new PDS that allows to sign with a cryptographic token and allows signers to choose their signature mode
- [NGWWW-163] – Update the web client to use the new transaction statuses as defined in the server, add ToS
- [NGWWW-162] – Externalize the PDS server (Use a separate server for the signing page).
- [NGWWW-167] – Fix the PDS to scroll to the signature pad when the checkbox is selected
NGSign – Server side
New Features
- [NGWS-116] – Create a transaction with minimal user information and allow adding the missing information later
- [NGWS-118] – Make sending emails to signers configurable (activate – deactivate emails sent to users by API and configuration).
- [NGWS-119] – Make sending the final signed document to the signers configurable depending on the signer configuration.
- [NGWS-120] – Make deleting the signed documents after signature configurable
- [NGWS-121] – Allow the transaction creators to “remind” the signers after a fixed time limit.
- [NGWS-122] – Add a new signature mode “LATER” that allows the signer to choose his own signature canal
- [NGWS-125] – Add a cachet placement page that may be called without authentication to the new PDS server
- [NGWS-126] – Allow the creator to configure for each signer a success and an failure redirection URLs
- [NGWS-131] – Implement the WS that allow signing with a cryptographic token and grunt all users with an unlimited number of SSCD tokens
- [NGWS-107] – Allow signing with Remote Trust in NGSign
- [NGWS-124] – Move DigiGo client to an independent server and invoke it from NGSign
- [NGWS-114] – Update the main server to allow events enabling or disabling