NGSIGN, the expert in electronic signature and public key infrastructures, and Wacom, the global leader and leading innovator in digital pen signage technology, announce their partnership during the Wacom INK Vision 2022 event in Düsseldorf.
The goal of this partnership is to integrate support for Wacom biometric signature pads with the NGSIGN e-signature platform in order to offer a better digital experience in branch and face to face.

Mohamed Ali Tarhouni, Sales Manager @ NGSIGN :
« This partnership will allow our clients to set up the 100% digital agency by offering the electronic signature in agency with Wacom tablets and the NGSign signature with probative value. In addition to the digitalization of the signing process in agency or face-to-face, Wacom technology is centered on the human touch, WACOM’s famous slogan « more digital, more human. » to offer an ergonomic, natural and even more secure experience thanks to biometrics.»
Miyanyedi, Utku-Mert, Sales Manager @ Wacom :
Our mission in Wacom is to help companies reap the benefits of digitalization, while keeping the familiar human experience. NGSIGN’s commitment to this mutual goal, as well as their proven engagement, loyalty and experience provide a stable foundation for a fruitful partnership. This is why we are glad that NGSIGN is part of our partner network where we are collaborating closely on further developing the electronic handwritten signatures market.
To further enhance NGSIGN’s solution our priority was to enable the capture and rendering of electronic signatures on any digitizer powered by Wacom for Business. This was achieved by swiftly integrating Wacom’s powerful software tools into NGSIGN. We believe that this would greatly contribute to providing an outstanding customer experience which is a key priority for our partner.»

Founded in 2016 by a team of digital trust experts, NGSIGN is a company that has developed a suite of electronic signature services and public key infrastructure products. NGSIGN, Remote Trust and QRSecure solutions are deployed at several banks, insurance companies, key accounts and government institutions in Africa. NGSIGN is the only private company certified eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider in Africa.
About Wacom:
Wacom’s goal is to help organizations across all industries go digital while maintaining a human touch. We offer paperless processes that provide a pen and digital paper experience, a familiar feel for users. Our solutions are based on an award-winning, market-leading range of pen devices. We enhance this hardware with software that adds biometric accuracy and beautifully rendered digital ink to a wide range of applications.